Master Blog

February 27, 2020

How To Delete User Profile (Local User Profile and Domain User Profile)

I’m showing, how to safely remove a domain user profile from a computer that is a part of a domain. I don’t want to delete the […]
February 4, 2020

OneDrive will start removing local files unused for a certain amount of time

Microsoft has introduced a new feature in OneDrive on Windows 10 v1809. OneDrive will now delete those local OneDrive files which are not used for a […]
December 11, 2019

Disable ADAL via Registry per computer

Problem Various authentication issues including: O365 profiles sets up instead of on prem mailbox Outlook wont authenticate on Office 365 Outlook wont authenticate on Office 365 […]
November 4, 2019

Always use my default account instead of automatically selecting it based on the current folder or use it’s based on the current folder

I have multiple accounts configured in Outlook. When I create a new message, it automatically selects the sending account based on the folder that I’m currently […]